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Somebody's Watching Me...And I Got No Privacy

By: Rhianna Dozier Privacy is a gift that is taken advantage of every time people open a social media app. If I asked you how many sites people could track and find you on, could you tell me? Would you even know or remember where you put your personal information? You know that old saying, "the government is always watching?" Well, they aren't the only ones. Take social media sites like Facebook and LinkedIn. Facebook uses your personal email to log in and has your phone number and birthday on your profile. Similarly, LinkedIn has your phone number, email, location, educational background, and any job or accomplishment you have ever received. Might I add that both these profiles are open to the public where everyone can easily click away at your personal "private" life.  People are becoming more and more skeptical about the security of information on social media. In fact, "some 80% of social media users said they were concerned about advertisers and

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